Wed May 28th - Present

Due to job action and reduced time in the building I will be posting daily notes to this folder ( in lieu of blog posts. 

Wed May 21st

Polynomials: I can model and solve problems involving the addition, subtraction, multiplication, and division of polynomials (Ch 5,7) (9F)
  • 5.1: I can use models and mathematical terminology to demonstrate polynomials.
  • 5.2: I can combine like terms using models and algebra
  • 5.3: I can add and subtract polynomial expressions and solve problems using the addition and subtraction of polynomials
    • Chapter Review Assignment p. 200-201 
      • Show your work, your marking, your corrections
      • 7, 8, 9, 11, 12, 19, 21, 22, 26
      • Write the highlighted learning goal on the top of your work and a self assessment

Percent: I can find, compare, and use percents in applications such as purchases, taxes, and business transactions (Ch8)

Year End Presentations of Learning

Tue May 20th

Polynomials: I can model and solve problems involving the addition, subtraction, multiplication, and division of polynomials (Ch 5,7) (9F)

  • 5.1: I can use models and mathematical terminology to demonstrate polynomials.
  • 5.2: I can combine like terms using models and algebra
  • 5.3: I can add and subtract polynomial expressions and solve problems using the addition and subtraction of polynomials
    • Assignment CYU 5.3 - Choose 7 Q's, or Choose 4 and do the Math Link
    • After - Challenges at the end of the Chapter. Work on the challenge you've chosen. 

Measurement: I understand and can calculate perimeter, circumference, area, volume, and surface area of 2D and 3D shapes (Ch2,3) (9B)

  • 2.3 I understand volume and can calculate the volume of rectangular prisms
  • 3.2 I understand volume and can calculate the volume of triangular prisms
  • 3.5 I understand volume and can calculate the volume of cylinders
    • Test

Percent: I can find, compare, and use percents in applications such as purchases, taxes, and business transactions (Ch8)

  • Review: I can represent percent with models, with fractions, and with decimals. I can estimate percent. I can use appropriate notation for repeating decimals. 
    • Assignment - "Get Ready" Activity

Fri May 16th

Polynomials: I can model and solve problems involving the addition, subtraction, multiplication, and division of polynomials (Ch 5,7) (9F)

  • 5.1: I can use models and mathematical terminology to demonstrate polynomials.
  • 5.2: I can combine like terms using models and algebra
  • 5.3: I can add and subtract polynomial expressions and solve problems using the addition and subtraction of polynomials
    • Assignment: p. 195 "Communicate the Ideas" #1, 3

Measurement: I understand and can calculate perimeter, circumference, area, volume, and surface area of 2D and 3D shapes (Ch2,3) (9B)

  • 2.3 I understand volume and can calculate the volume of rectangular prisms
  • 3.2 I understand volume and can calculate the volume of triangular prisms
  • 3.5 I understand volume and can calculate the volume of cylinders
    • Review
    • Assignment:

Percent: I can find, compare, and use percents in applications such as purchases, taxes, and business transactions (Ch8)

  • Review: I can represent percent with models, with fractions, and with decimals. I can estimate percent. I can use appropriate notation for repeating decimals. 

Thu May 15th

"Music Cafe" by USAG Vicenza
Presentations, Performances, and Preparedness 
Reflection Blog Post Assignment
As you enjoy today's performances at the Music Cafe at the CLA we invite you to think about presentations, performances, and preparedness in your own life. Think about some events where you feel like you are "performing". It could be at school, on a team, at work, with an organization, doing something you enjoy publicly, or in a group. 

  1. Comment on the performances you saw today:**
    • What stood out to you? 
    • What did you like?
  2. Describe a performance experience of your own:
    • In a few sentences describe your performance experience
    • explain what makes it feel like a "performance" 
    • explain how you feel about "performing" in that context
  3. Describe how you usually prepare:
    • Explain the things you do, or have done in the past leading up to a "performance" - think about your mental, emotional, physical, and possibly even spiritual preparation
  4. Describe a way in which you would like to "perform" better, and how you will prepare to get there
    • Explain something specific you would like to improve on
    • Suggest a specific plan, or steps you could take to improve the way you perform or the way you prepare
**If you did not see the performances you can instead comment on two articles you've read on performance or preparing for something. We suggest you find articles relevant to the specific type of performance you will be discussing. After telling a bit about each article you can continue answering the questions above. Make sure you include a link, the title, and author of the two articles they read in their post

Wed May 14th

Polynomials: I can model and solve problems involving the addition, subtraction, multiplication, and division of polynomials (Ch 5,7) (9F)
  • 5.1: I can use models and mathematical terminology to demonstrate polynomials.
  • 5.2: I can combine like terms using models and algebra
    • Assignment CYU 5.2 - Choose 7 Q's, or Choose 4 and do the Math Link
Measurement: I understand and can calculate perimeter, circumference, area, volume, and surface area of 2D and 3D shapes (Ch2,3) (9B)
  • 3.5 I understand volume and can calculate the volume of cylinders
    • Open a Google Doc and move it to your Math 9 Assignments folder
    • Go to this website:
    • Solve for the volume of 3 cylinders and screen shot the right answers, paste them in the google doc
    • Move onto pouring website:
    • Solve for 3 containers and screenshot your solutions

Tue May 13th

Polynomials: I can model and solve problems involving the addition, subtraction, multiplication, and division of polynomials (Ch 5,7) (9F)
  • 5.1: I can use models and mathematical terminology to demonstrate polynomials.
    • Assignment: CYU p. 178 5, 8, 11, 21 and either 3 other word problems or the Math Link
  • 5.2: I can combine like terms using models and algebra
    • Explore Activity p. 183 all
Measurement: I understand and can calculate perimeter, circumference, area, volume, and surface area of 2D and 3D shapes (Ch2,3) (9B)
  • 3.2 I understand volume and can calculate the volume of prisms
    • Activity together - exploring volume of triangular prisms
    • Assignment: Written Exercises p. 76 - Choose 7 Odds

Mon May 12th

Polynomials: I can model and solve problems involving the addition, subtraction, multiplication, and division of polynomials (Ch 5,7) (9F)
  • 5.1: I can use models and mathematical terminology to demonstrate polynomials.
    • go over get ready with others
    • class activity together
Measurement: I understand and can calculate perimeter, circumference, area, volume, and surface area of 2D and 3D shapes (Ch2,3) (9B)

Thu May 8th

Scale Factor and Similarity: I can define and describe similar shapes and objects using reductions, enlargements, scales, and scale factors. I can use proportions to solve similarity problems. (9F) 
  • Assignment: Chapter Review
  • Note: Scale Factor and Similarity Test (9F) Friday May 9th
Measurement: I understand and can calculate perimeter, circumference, area, volume, and surface area of 2D and 3D shapes (Ch2,3) (9B)
  • Surface Area activity
  • Surface Area Assignment

Wed May 7th

Scale Factor and Similarity: I can define and describe similar shapes and objects using reductions, enlargements, scales, and scale factors. I can use proportions to solve similarity problems. (9F) 
  • Note: Scale Factor and Similarity Test (9F) Friday May 9th
Measurement: I understand and can calculate perimeter, circumference, area, volume, and surface area of 2D and 3D shapes (Ch2,3) (9B)